


Publicity Hound

Script #34407; Episode #1.8; Airdate: 3/11/1972

Writer: Michael Donovan
Christian Nyby

Guest Cast: Gene Raymond, Gary Crosby, Sallie Shockley, Barry Higgins, Bill Baldwin, Edith Diaz, Scott Allen, Ted Gehring, William Bryant.

Story: Wheeler constantly makes news with simple rescues, thanks to a reporter's help. Roy and Johnny rescue a man trapped in ship's rigging, a horse in a pit, and a child in a well. Dr. Brackett's lack of diplomacy leads to a run-in with an affluent parent.

Goofs:  When the firefighters come back on the boat with the injured man, there's not much wind blowing in their hair. If anybody has been on a boat before, they will know that a boat going full speed on the water is very windy

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